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Reviews Products (2037)

Product ID:
Subject: Levkey Ergonomic Mouse, Rechargable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice
Content: This mouse was SO comfortable to use and exactly what I needed. It holds a charge for a very long time and is effortless to use. I charged it once, and once it was fully charged I unplugged it and resumed using it. However, the battery died again, and now it won't even charge. I've tried numerous different cables and tried plugging it into both a USB wall outlet and my computer, both of which do nothing. I see no lights or anything indicating it's on or charging. I tried resetting it too by following another reviewer's suggestion, but no change. I want to give this 5 stars so bad, but it not charging all of a sudden is really putting a dent in my productivity, since my wrist can't tolerate my backup mouse. :( Is there any chance I can get a replacement mouse for this? I purchased my mouse on Amazon on 8/28/2023.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse didn’t even last a full year
Content: Hello, I ordered this as a Christmas gift for my husband last year but the scroller broke after less than a year of using it. Is there a warranty on the mouse?
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Product ID:
Subject: item defective
Content: I placed an order in Amazon, 114-1236427-6729841, for the mouse on May 2023, but the mouse is not able to recharge, please help to send me an replace mouse.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse warranty?
Content: Hello,I puchased your ergonomjc mouse in January of this year. As of today the mouse turns on and shutsdown right away. Tried 4 different sets of batteries and the problem remains. How long is the warranty on it?
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse
Content: Hi, I purchased your ergonomic mouse over a year ago. several months after (6-8) the scroll button began to fail. It would not scroll or go in the opposite direction. You did an awesome job at responding and sending me a new one. However, i'm running into the same problem with the new device. I love the mouse, the feel, it's soft and when the scroll button works it's the best. Do you have another model similar that I can purchase but one that won't give me issues with the scroll button?
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Product ID:
Subject: Ergonomic mouse issues
Content: I bought an ergonomic mouse - purple and green. I had a black on for over a year and loved it! This one I’ve had for a month and it doesn’t hold a charge and makes a squeaking sound with the tracker. Can I exchange it for a black one? Or do you have any suggestions? Thanks
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Product ID:
Subject: Scroll wheel skipping
Content: Hello, I have your mouse and I love it. But the reason I got it is because my previous one had a consistent problem with the scroll wheel. When I scroll in one direction it often skips around and in the exact opposite direction. Is there a way to solve this?
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Product ID:
Subject: Ms.
Content: I recently purchased one of your ergonomic mice through Amazon. I'm already having issues with the scroll wheel. While scrolling it'll jump up and down.
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Product ID:
Subject: Hi
Content: We are missing USB fothe Levkey Mouse that I bought
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr.
Content: The scroll wheel on my wireless mouse is not working. Is there anything I can do to fix it? Thanks!
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