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Reviews Products (2004)

Product ID:
Subject: Mr
Content: I lost my USB receiver for my ergonomic mouse. I love the mouse. Can I buy a new usb Receiver?
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Product ID:
Subject: Vertical Mouse Scroll Wheel Issues
Content: I recently started having issue with the scroll wheel of the vertical mouse. Scrolling sometimes goes in the opposite direction it's supposed to ie Scrolling down causes the page to scroll up instead of down as it normally does
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr.
Content: Hello,I purchased an ergonomic mouse off Amazon last April and it doesn’t seem to be charging any longer. Is this covered under any kind of warranty?Thank you,Thomas
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Product ID:
Subject: Ms
Content: I purchased your keyboard and mouse combo on Amazon.ca and within a month certain keys stopped working properly.
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Product ID:
Subject: mouse
Content: I bought a Lekvey ergonomic mouse and after a full charge it lasted lest than two weeks (about (10 hrs. per day)before needing a charge. I plugged it in and 20 mins. the green light came on. I this normal or should i return it. Do you have a model that runs off of regular batteries ?
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Product ID:
Subject: Please Help! Can't get keypad to work w Excel
Content: I purchased a Lekvey Numeric Keypad model name BT 302 from Amazon. I connected it via Bluetooth to my MacBook Pro 2018 (running Big Sur 11.1) with no issue. However, when I try to use it in Excel, it brings in extra characters. For example, if I key in the number 1, it places a 9 in front of and behind the 9 in the same cell. In addition, if I'm trying to save a pdf file, and try to key in a number as part of the name of the file, the entire save window closes completely. I really love the size of this wireless keypad, but if I can't get it to work with Excel, then I'll have to return it. Any help or advice you could forward would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Michelle
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr.
Content: I received a wireless keyboard and mouse for Christmas. All is well and I like them, except the cursor has a tendency to jump around. Any recommendations?
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Product ID:
Subject: getting 9's surrounding my numbers in excell
Content: Hello,I have the Lekvey Numeric Keypad. In excel, whenever I input a number, I have a nine populate at the front and back of each number. For example, if I try to put the number 1 in an excel sheet, I get 919, ect... What can I do to prevent this?Nate
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Product ID:
Subject: Ms.
Content: Hello,I had ordered last year a mouse and keyboard pack on amazon. The mouse stopped working, I could no longer use the scroll wheel. So I had bought another mouse from you guys to replace it. However, when i plugged in the new mouse the keyboard stopped working. So I am wondering if I can get any sort of replacement. Original Mouse and Keyboard: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YF8P94H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1New Mouse: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088NL8K9J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1Thank You,Ana Ramos
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Product ID:
Subject: product not working
Content: model name: BT302When the product is powered on the LED light flashes blue for a second and then turns off. I have held down the bluetooth key and nothing. I have replaced the batteries and still nothing. im not sure how to fix the issue, I have had this product for 1 year now
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