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Reviews Products (2004)

Product ID:
Subject: Ergonomic Mouse Stopped Working Abruptly
Content: Hello. I’ve ordered the same Lekvey ergonomic mouse twice and both had the same problem where they stopped working suddenly. Please help.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse not working
Content: The red laser on the bottom of the mouse appears to be off. I’m not able to move my mouse on the screen when paired (I think due to wrong alignment underneath mouse).
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Product ID:
Subject: Lost USB Key to Levkey Mouse
Content: Hello - I have lost the USB key to my recently purchased Levkey Ergonomic Mouse (model 7L-01). I think it may have fallen down our air vent. Is it possible to get it replaced? Thanks for your consideration.
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Product ID:
Subject: Not working
Content: My mouse stopped working with both usb and the cable.
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Product ID:
Subject: Levkey Ergonomic Mouse
Content: I purchased Ergonomic Mouse, LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice from Amazon on 1/6/23. I have really enjoyed the mouse, but today it stopped working. After fully charged, the red light on the bottom only blinks once when I turn it on. It used to work even when battery was dead if it was plugged in, but nothing now.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse does not getting charge
Content: Hello, have received the e product about a month ago. however, it is not charging anymore could you please replace it? Thank you.
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Product ID:
Subject: Recruiter
Content: Hi there I have a wireless Lekvey mouse that worked for about a month and now wont work anymore. Am I able to get a replacement?
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Product ID:
Subject: Marketer
Content: Lost my faub to this mouse Lekvey Ergonomic Mouse, Vertical. Can I order a replacement?
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Product ID:
Subject: Failing Keys
Content: Hello,Is it possible to get a new mouse? The left button will not work anymore. And I just got it in December.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mrs.
Content: My mouse is completely unresponsive. It just stopped working. There is no light. I’ve charged it for several hours, I checked the charger by plugging in other devices and they all charge fine. I tried connecting it to the computer with a wire, I tried the on/off switch many times, I’ve pushed all the buttons. No luck. I unplugged and plugged the usb, I’ve checked the usb port. Still nothing. I’ve had this mouse for 3 weeks. It hasn’t sustained any physical damage. What can I do?
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