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Reviews Products (2037)

Product ID:
Subject: Teacher
Content: I have been using your ergonomic mouse for a while now and the USB part just broke. Is there a way for me to get just a new USB to plug into my computer? or do I have to order a whole new mouse. Everything else is working fine.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse won’t work anymore
Content: Hi!My mouse stopped working even after trying to charge it and I’m not sure exactly why. I only received it on July 19 so I don’t think it should be worn out just yet?
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Product ID:
Subject: Ergonomic vertical mouse
Content: I have lost the USB for mouse. Can I get a replacement for the ergonomic vertical wireless mouse
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr
Content: I bought the Lekvey Ergonomic Mouse, Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice : 3 Adjustable DPI 800/1200/1600 Levels 6 Buttons, for Laptop, PC, Computer, Desktop, Notebook etc, Black on August 5th 2023 and it has stopped working, I was in the middle of my workday and it just quit. So thought it may have been low on charge, but it's dead! none of the troubleshooting has worked. could you please replace this mouse, this is my second one and the original one worked great and lasted a long time until the USB dongle was misplace.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse not connecting
Content: My Lekvey mouse has stopped connecting. it's charged and ive restarted my computer and it still won't connect. I've only had the mouse for a few months. Can I get a replacement?
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Product ID:
Subject: Issue with the scroll wheel on vertical mouse
Content: Hi, I bough your vertical ergonomic mouse in April 2023 in Amazon. I have been using it since then with no issues and the last month, the scroll wheel has stopped working correctly. When scrolling down it gets stuck and move the scroll up and down making the work with the mouse impossible. Can you help me?
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse stopped working
Content: Good afternoon, I bought this mouse off of Amazon (order #112-8679650-1047460) and it’s recently stopped working. In the reviews for this product many said they had the same issue but your company was good at replacing it with a new mouse. What are the steps in that process? Thanks so much,Arielle Vogel
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Product ID:
Subject: Broken Mouse from Amazon
Content: Hello, I bought the Ergonomic Mouse, LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice : 3 Adjustable DPI 800/1200/1600 Levels 6 Buttons, for Lap from Amazon on May 3rd and shortly after started experiencing problems with the stroll button. It has progressive gotten worst and I would like some assistance with either a refund so I can get a new mouse or a refund. Thank you.
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Product ID:
Subject: owner
Content: My Lekvey mouse is new, only 2 weeks I've had it. Will not hold charge and mouse will not move? Help please. It is showing green charge lite but no red on bottom for mouselight. Thank u
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Product ID:
Subject: Owner
Content: 34-key bluetooth keypad works fine in Mac OS, but numerical input does not work in windows11, the keys only move from field to field like arrow keys, not number input
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