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Reviews Products (2037)

Product ID:
Subject: mouse user
Content: I got Ergonomic Mouse, LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse, Rechargeable 2.4GHz from Amazon, on 07/06/21. With time, it required more and more frequent charging. Yesterday, stopped working - pointer doesn't move, even after overnight charging. Please advice.
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Product ID:
Subject: Mrs
Content: I've purchased 2 rechargeable ergonmic mice from you and neither have lasted. The most recent was purchased in July and has already stopped working. I would think this should last at least a year. I purchased through Amazon on July 12. Invoice # Order# 111-5171687-4453021. Please let me know if these should really only last a few months. If so, I'll start looking for another brand that will give me at least 1 year. Thank you
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Product ID:
Subject: USB bluetooth
Content: Hi Lekvey,I misplaced the USB Bluetooth device for my mouse. May I have a replacement?Thank you,Marvin
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Product ID:
Subject: Receptor replacement for ergonomic mouse.
Content: Good morning, I lost my ergonomic vertical mouse receptor and was wondering how I could get a replacement? I don’t see it being sold on your website.
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Product ID:
Subject: Trainer/Sr. Claims Examiner/Tester
Content: I have 2 of these as I use 2 laptops for my Job. My newest one that I purchased June 20, 2021 stopped working the red light comes on when I turn it on then goes immediately off. I need help. This is the worst time this could stop working. I am in the middle of testing our new system.
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Product ID:
Subject: Lost USN Dongle receiver
Content: Hello,I bought the Ergonomic Mouse, LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice on 9/15/21 and have lost the USB Dongle receiver. Do you have a link where I can buy a replacement?Thanks,Tracy Huynh
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Product ID:
Subject: Mrs.
Content: hi, my dongle broke, i ordered the mouse via amazon awhile ago. any chance i can purchase one from you shipped to Israel? thanks.
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Product ID:
Subject: Customer
Content: Hi, I recently bought a mouse and keyboard combo, and the mouse roller wheel does not work when I use it. I’ve read that you have great customer service with your products; can you help me with this situation? Thank you.
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Product ID:
Subject: Treasurer
Content: I am a home owner and I want to buy one calculatorPlease call at 954-783-3677. John
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Product ID:
Subject: Issue with LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice
Content: Hi, I bought this mouse a few months ago and have been enjoying but on this recent charge, after I try to turn it back on, it blinks red a few times and then goes out. It was fully charged to green, so I don't know what the issue is
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