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Reviews Products (2037)

Product ID:
Subject: President
Content: I purchased a keyboard/mouse combo through Amazon (order #114-7671276-1395421) and I have lost my USB receiver. Is there a way to use a different one or order a new one?
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr
Content: Hi there, I have lost the USB receiver for my mouse and keyboard - is there any way to get a new one?Thanks Ross
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Product ID:
Subject: mouse wont work
Content: I recently purchased the Levkey ergonomic verticle mouse and can't get it to work with my computer
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Product ID:
Subject: Mrs.
Content: Hello, I lost the cord to recharge the battery. Do you sell it separately? Thank you.
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Product ID:
Subject: scroll wheel broken
Content: Hi,I purchased a Lekvey ergonomic mouse a little under a year ago and the scroll wheel no longer scrolls. it does allow me to click and drag to scroll but does not function as it orignially did.Thank you,Kevin Sharpton
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse Clicker Not Working
Content: Hi, I bought the Lekvey ergonomic wireless mouse earlier this year and the mouse button/clicker worked intermitently. But I would jolt the mouse a bit and it would work again. However, now the mouse clicker does not work at all. The track pad is functional, but I cannot click anything. Can you help me remedy this? Thank you very much
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Product ID:
Subject: owner
Content: Hello, I LOVE your Left handed Ergonomic Mouse! it has saved my wrist pain. But I Lost the USB Dongle receiver. How can I get another USB 2.4GHZ dongle?I bought it on amazon. Order# 13-6465664-0061856 Please let me know and NEVER stop making these :) thank you
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Product ID:
Subject: Lost Bluetooth USB for Ergonomic Mouse
Content: I recently purchased an Ergonomic mouse from you and have lost the USB dongle how can i get this replaced
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Product ID:
Subject: customer
Content: Hello. I purchased this mouse on Dec. 3 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BFCVJZC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1It is a great mouse but I've noticed that sometimes the curser stops moving at random times throughout the workday. I can still click and scroll but the actual cursor stays frozen anywhere from 5-20 seconds at one time. I've tried turning off and on and keeping plugged in but it continues to happen. Please let me know what I can do to fix this. Thanks 6618034934
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Product ID:
Subject: Consultant
Content: I've bought 2 for my family but need more detailed directions for setup. Thank you
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