Product ID:Subject: Broken Wheel, Forward, and Back buttons
Content: Hello!I have been using your recharging ergonomic mouse for a few years now (Product ID: B07BFCVJZC). I was gifted one a few years ago.About a year into use, the mouse wheel started jittering randomly up and down when used. This makes scrolling up or down pages and documents almost impossible. In addition, the forward and back buttons would occasionally input twice when I pressed them once.I was gifted a replacement of the same model last year, and within 6 months I noticed the same issues with the mouse wheel and the forward and back buttons. It's difficult to work with, but regular mice hurt my hands, and competitor products don't fit my hand well.Is there any solution to these issues? Has the model been updated to resolve these or similar issues lately?Thank you for your time!Zac