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Reviews Products (1997)

Product ID:
Subject: Director
Content: I purchased a mouse of yours from Amazon about one month ago. It is a rechargable vertical mouse. The battery has stopped working and will not hold charge at all, i charge it for awhile until green and then turn it on and it just turns right back off. Is there something I can do to get a replacement?
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse Not Working
Content: Hello - My left handed Ergonomic Vertical Mouse Less Noise Black is no longer turning on. I have tried new batteries and re-reconnecting the USB dongle. My order number is ORDER # 114-3074928-6011416
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Product ID:
Subject: Left shift key slow respond
Content: Already chat with amazon the key borad is up the date I'm just try to exchange a new key borad
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr.
Content: Hi - after almost a year of flawlessly using the mouse and keyboard, all of a sudden I can't have the Num Lock on without the letters turning into numbers. That is, in the past, if I had Num Lock on, I could write using the letters and input numbers on the right. Since today, if I have Num Lock on the letters UIOPJKL:NM<> turn into a number keypad. Is there a solution to this? Can I update the software somehow? Thanks!
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Product ID:
Subject: Owner
Content: This simply stopped working today. I changed batteries, moved the USP to other ports and still nothing.
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Product ID:
Subject: My ergnomic mouse I bought in Amazon.com doesn't charge anymore
Content: I bought Ergonomic Mouse, LEKVEY Vertical Wireless Mouse - Rechargeable 2.4GHz Optical Vertical Mice on August 8, 2020 Amazon Order# 113-8417488-6829800It was working till now and stopped recharging recently and I cant use it anymore
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Product ID:
Subject: NA
Content: I lost my mouse charging cable for my ergonomic mouse. Where can I get another one?
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Product ID:
Subject: Wrong Mouse Type
Content: Hi, I ordered a wireless right-handed mouse on Amazon. It came today, but it's the wired version -- there's no battery, and there's a wire to go to the PC. Can you help?
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Product ID:
Subject: Returning Keyboard and Mouse combo purchased through Amazon
Content: Hello,I ordered a keyboard and mouse combo through Amazon. I am not satisfied with your product and I would like to return it. Please let me know how to proceed.Thanks,Ayda
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Product ID:
Subject: Mrs.
Content: Ergonomic Wireless Mouse Charging Cord Split in half... unable to repair. Is a new charging cord available? Purchased in April 2019
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