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Reviews Products (2004)

Product ID:
Subject: Wirelss Keyboard KM01
Content: Can you tell me if/when the KM01 wireless keyboard and mouse set in silver will be available again?
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Product ID:
Subject: Gym general manager
Content: I’m missing the usb/receiver for my lekvey cordless calculator. Is there a way to get a replacement?
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr
Content: Hi Lekvey team, I purchased a ergonomic mouse made by you from Amazon Canada in January 2021. Unfortunately, the wireless receiver has stopped working. I'm wondering if you guys offer replacements for these per chance? I can attach the invoice from Amazon if required. Cheers,-AM
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Product ID:
Subject: Mr
Content: I am short of USB ports on my laptop.Can I connect to the laptop bluetooth and free up a USB port?
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Product ID:
Subject: Manager Quality Assurance
Content: Can you please send the details/specs for the following:Product ID:B077786785UPC: 783761200806you have nothing up on your webisite other than a photo...what is the difference between this and the one that is rechargeable for $10 less..thank you...I need to order at least 3 of one of your mice..
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Product ID:
Subject: Mouse Receiver Broken
Content: Hello,Recently, I had an accident with the mouse receiver that goes with my Lekvey ergonomic mouse. When I pulled my laptop out of my bag, the receiver caught on an edge of the bag and tore itself in half. The mouse no longer pairs to the receiver, and, therefore, is useless. I didn't know that this happened until I noticed half of the receiver stuck in the USB port. Please help! Thank you so much!Jace
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Product ID:
Subject: SALES
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Product ID:
Subject: CMO
Content: I LOVE your ergonomic mouse. I purchased 2 nd use them on a mac laptop.Today it started to lag and the right button stopped working.I downloaded your USB upgrade but it is for Windows. Suggestions?
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Product ID:
Subject: Retired
Content: I have a 2 year old ergonomic 2.4 ghz rechargeable mouse and the wheel has lost the little hex pin which turns the wheel controller. The wheel no longer functions. I just love the mouse otherwise. I have taken it apart and have a picture of the problem if you have somewhere to upload it? Or can I get a new wheel sent to me? Thank you!
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Product ID:
Subject: teacher
Content: I am missing the USB connector to my vertical wireless mouse. It got stuck in my previous computer but I still would like to use this mouse. How can I get a replacement usb dongle? i am a teacher and this was ordered for me thru amazon several years ago.
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